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Our reviews

(30 Reviews)
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June 10, 2022
Delicious. Very quick to prepare the food, was ready in less than 10 minutes. Staff was very friendly. Prices are a good value.

June 05, 2022
from easy online order to pick up on time with yummy food in my tummy. i am one happy chap!

November 29, 2021
Great !

September 03, 2021
Was suppose to be mild but way too spicy.

September 01, 2021

August 25, 2021
Just ordered for the first time from Crave India and loved it! Super delicious food and great customer service. Will be going back again soon for sure.

August 04, 2021
Dahl makti was kind of bland. Meal wasn’t ready when I arrived despite pre ordering hours earlier. Only had to wait 5 min though and they are nice

April 05, 2021
Tasty food and fast service.

January 22, 2021
The food is delicious and fresh. I really enjoy it.

January 05, 2021
Always love the butter chicken. It's a favourite for me.